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Syntropy, genetic testing and personalized medicine
Valery P Puzyrev, Oksana A Makeeva & Maxim B Freidin: Syntropy, genetic testing and personalized medicine // Personalized Medicine. July 2010, Vol. 7, No. 4, Pages 399-405.
The concept of syntropic diseases was proposed at the beginning of the last century to emphasize the phenomenon of nonrandom co-occurrence of human disorders. Common genes underlying specific syntropic diseases were called syntropic genes. The application of this concept to contemporary genomic studies will facilitate the understanding of the molecular basis of complex diseases, provide future direction for discovering new targets for therapy and prognosis, and may even lead to the reassessment of disease classification for the practice of more precise personalized medicine. With the acceptance of the syntropic genes theory, new genetic tests, focused on markers pointing to a set of pathogenetically linked diseases rather than to a single nosology, can be developed.

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просмотров: 5121, опубликовано: 19.01.2011
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